Kathleen’s media tour for her book release- Fuck Aging, begins March 2022. Following her on-air journey here! Check back often for new interviews and posts!

Don’t Just Sit There – Stay Creatively Busy
In this video, Kathleen reminds us that even during a a slowed down world, you can stay creatively busy. Her four tips will get you motivated!

A Sunday Drive is Still in Fashion
Kathleen gets our engines revved up with a reminder to get out there and enjoy a Sunday drive! Check out what day trips are suggested in your area, fill the gas tank and pack a picnic lunch!

The Gift of Your Time – Honoring Caregivers
Kathleen shares a heartfelt reminder after the recent loss of her sister. The gift of your time is so very valuable and can make a world of difference to a caregiver.

Keeping Your Word With Promises & Agreements
Kathleen asks the tough question – Do you keep your word with promises & agreements? Whether family or friends or yourself, we need to keep our promises. It’s so easy to make agreements but it’s so easy to lose trust, credibility and respect. Kathleen reminds all of us to be accountable for our promises & agreements with 3 simple tips.

Setting A Purpose – Make It Your Daily Routine
Kathleen had a great epiphany recently while talking with a long-time mentor who gave me some great advice on setting a purpose. Once she started applying that advice, her work and days flow a lot easier because she set a purpose. A shift in mindset can make a lot of difference! You can apply this technique in most tasks in your life!

Chronic Complainers and How to Handle Them
Kathleen has some words of advice about chronic complainers. Do you find they suck the air out of the room? When you see their name come up on your phone do you get a big hit of anxiety right in the gut and feel a dark cloud appearing overhead. Well, Kathleen has several tips on how you can handle chronic complainers.

Giddy Over Gadgets – You’re Never Too Old to Have Fun with Gadgets
Kathleen has discovered a new gadget! It’s called the Oura Ring and it’s designed to slip on your finger and the little nodules inside get to work monitoring your body’s stats. It connects with a smart phone app and you can easily read all the data. It’s super COOL!

The Art of Listening
Kathleen shares her insights on the art of listening and how important it is to REALLY listen. When someone really listens it allows your creativity and imagination to wake up and take note!

You’re Never Too Old to Take Great Photos
Kathleen shares her insights on the art of listening and how important it is to REALLY listen. When someone really listens it allows your creativity and imagination to wake up and take note!