Life Can Be a Slippery Slope…Keep your Goals Clearly in Mind

My hike today reminded me of life. Some of the trail was slippery, some was rocky, some was tricky as I tried to maneuver walking on the exposed roots, some was uphill and some downhill and often going around or over obstacles. So my goal was to get to the waterfall which I did and […]

Delegating. It’s a Matter of Life and Breath!

How is your week going? I’m nestled in the Redwoods at the edge of Jedediah Smith State Park and boy, is it wonderful. I’ve been working on my internet marketing and it is even going better now that I have an assistant to help me figure out what is going well and what I need […]

A Different Perspective

Loving the Redwoods and walking in the giants. Nothing like it that I have experienced. Had to lie down on the forest floor and take the photo. Didn’t want to get up. I love this quote: We never look deeply into the quality of a tree; we never really touch it, feel its solidity, its […]

Advertising and PR and Sales Oh My!

Just got this message from a friend. Thought you might enjoy it. I’m not sure where it came from. This explains it all… “If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying ‘Circus coming to the Fairground Saturday’, that’s advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant […]

Challenges Left and Right

Sometimes I think the universe is testing me and having a good laugh. This week I have been in and out of trailer places and the Subaru dealership in Portland. It was the 4th time I had been to the dealership and it will be the third time to the trailer store when I go […]